Today, I'm going to show you some outfits changing just one or two clothes, and we'll get three different styles!! Isn't it amazing???
Today, I'm going to show you some outfits changing just one or two clothes, and we'll get three different styles!! Isn't it amazing???
These are the styles I've chosen:
•Hipster :3
•Sporty :D
•Vintage ♥
Okey, all you need are leggins, a flowers' jumper, a wide jumper, boots, Converse, a sport jumper and some complements(:
Here they are!! ☺(sorry for the quality :S )
Sporty :D
Hipster :3
Vintage ♥
Pleasee!!! Comment and say if you like them, and if you'll like us to upload more :3
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Bye, be happy, and remember... we "laugh" you ♥
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