Five teenagers, Lots of words, One blog, One DREAM♥
What is this blog about? Handcrafts, Outfits, Make up, Hair, Tips, DIYs, jokes... ♥



Well, as you read, there will be an amazing surprise during the next weeks!!! Ta Daaa!!!!

Lemme explain...

• We're going to upload photos of some of our body parts, such as eyes, lips, hair, and so (:

•Then, in the comments, you could write who do you think the owner of those parts is, and after some weeks, we will upload the results XOXOXO

• Prrrrrrplease!!! Take part in this activity!! It's the first one, and we want to do some more, but you'll have to participate ♥♥♥

Be happy(: , and remember... we "laugh" you ♥


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